Google Search Ads

ROI-Driven Google Ads Search Campaigns

Boost Your Sales and ROI with Google Search Advertising - Start Seeing Results Today!

Google Search Ads Agency

Google Search Advertising Agency Melbourne

Get noticed by your target audience with Google Ads Search Advertising Solution.

Have you ever considered the potential of reaching billions of people daily to promote your business? Well, with Google, the world’s largest search engine, you can make that happen. By utilising Google Search Advertising, your brand can secure prominent positions on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) for the specific search terms that hold significance for your business. This strategic placement allows you to effectively connect with potential customers actively seeking your products or services.


Be visible to possible customers with your target keywords.

Targeting keywords is the key to ensuring that your business appears in SERPs and connects with individuals actively seeking what you have to offer. This strategy can significantly increase your chances of successfully engaging with interested audiences, boosting your conversion rates and revenue. 


Set the right bids to meet your search advertising goals.

Bidding determines which ads are displayed when reaching target audiences through Google Ads. Set appropriate bids to expand your audience and meet your business goals. Google Ads offers flexible bidding options that align with your budget and objectives. Bid strategically to reach the right audience and maximise your advertising budget. 


Showcase your offerings to potential customers with Customised Ads.

Attract your target customers at the perfect moment with Search ads that display your products or service offerings to potential buyers. You can customise your ad message to match your brand and offerings, making it easier for prospective customers to understand your offer. 

Google Ads: Search Campaigns Advantage

Target your audience effectively with Search Ads

Are you looking to reach out to audiences actively searching for products or solutions similar to what your business offers?

Google Search Ads can help you do just that! Using search engines like Google, you can display your brand to potential buyers when they search for similar products or services.

This increases your chance of converting them into your customers and ensures you get the best return on investment for your advertising spend.

Target Your Audience Effectively with Search Ads
Reach More Customers and Boost Your Revenue with Highly Effective Google Search Ads​

Grow Your Business with Google Ads Search

Reach more customers and boost your revenue with highly effective Google Ads Search Campaigns

Google Ads Search Campaigns offer a powerful way to expand your customer base and drive revenue growth. By utilising Google’s reach and precision targeting capabilities, you can effectively connect with a larger audience of potential customers actively searching for products or services like yours. 

These highly effective campaigns allow you to display your brand prominently on search engine results pages (SERPs), ensuring maximum visibility and increasing the likelihood of customer engagement and conversions. 

With strategic optimisation and continuous monitoring, Google Ads Search Campaigns have the potential to deliver impressive results, helping you reach more customers and achieve significant revenue growth for your business.

Anatomy of Google Ads Search

Get to know the key components of a successful Google Ads Search campaign

To run a successful Google Ads Search Campaign, it’s important to understand the key components that make up an effective ad. These include targeting the right audience, crafting compelling ad copy and keywords, optimising landing pages for conversions, and constantly monitoring and adjusting your campaigns for maximum ROI

By mastering these components, you can create Search Ads that are highly effective in reaching your target customers and driving more sales for your business.

Anatomy of Google Search Ads


The headline is one of the topmost important components of a Google ads search. It’s the first thing that users see when they search for keywords related to your product or service, and it plays a key role in capturing their attention and encouraging them to click through to your website. In this article, we’ll explore the key elements of a Google ads search headline and offer tips for crafting effective headlines that get results.

Limitations and character count

To make the most of Google ads search headlines, you must utilise the 30 characters wisely. Your goal is quickly to catch the user’s attention and deliver your message clearly and compellingly. Remember to align the headline with the user’s search query and incorporate the targeted search term.

Importance of incorporating keywords

Keywords are crucial, including in the headline, when creating an effective Google Ad Search Campaign. Using your target keyword in the headline makes your ad more relevant to the user’s search query, which can boost your ad’s click-through rate (CTR) and ad rank. Use the headline to showcase your product or service’s key benefits or features, and remember to include your most important search terms.

Best Practices for Writing Effective Headlines

Here are some tips for writing effective Google Ad Search headlines:

Be specific: Use specific language that describes your product or service and what makes it unique.

Highlight benefits: Focus on the benefits your product or service offers the user rather than just listing features.

Use numbers: Including numbers in your headline can help grab the user’s attention and make your ads stand out.

Use action-oriented language: Use language that encourages the user to take action, such as “Shop now” or “Learn more.”

Test different variations: Experiment with headline variations to see which performs best. You can use A/B testing to compare the performance of different headlines.

Description Lines

After the headline, the description lines are the next most important component of a Google search ad. Description lines provide additional context and detail about your product or service and give users a reason to click through to your website. In this article, we’ll explore the key elements of description lines in a Google search ad, including character count limitations and their role in communicating the value proposition of your product or service.

Character count limitations

When creating a Google search ad, remember that the description lines can only be two lines long, with a maximum of 90 characters per line. This gives you 180 characters to work with, so use them wisely. It’s best to use short, clear sentences that effectively convey your message. Also, remember to include relevant search terms in the description lines to increase the ad’s relevance to the user’s search query.

Role in communicating the value proposition of the product or service

The description lines of your product or service are crucial in communicating its value to potential customers. Use them to highlight unique features and benefits, setting yourself apart from competitors. Encouraging a sense of urgency can encourage users to act, like purchasing or signing up for a newsletter.

​​Best Practices for Writing Effective Description Lines

Here are some tips for writing effective Google search ad description lines:

Focus on benefits: Highlight the unique selling points of your product or service on top of listing its features. Please explain how your product or service can help solve the user’s problem or meet their needs.

Use persuasive language: Use strong and persuasive language that encourages users to take action, such as “limited time offer” or “exclusive discount”.

Highlight unique selling points: Differentiate yourself from your competitors by highlighting your unique selling points. This includes free shipping, excellent customer service, or a money-back guarantee.

Use calls to action: Use clear and direct call-to-action buttons, such as “Buy now” or “Sign up today”.

Test different variations: Experiment with variations of your description lines to see which ones perform best. You can use A/B testing to compare the performance of different ad variations.

Display URL

The display URL appears beneath the ad text in a Google search ad. It gives users an idea of the website they will be directed to if they click on the ad. Let us discuss the URL’s purpose and how it differs from the landing page URL.

Purpose of the display URL

Has two main functions. Firstly, it gives users an idea of the website they will reach by clicking the ad. Secondly, it increases the ad’s perceived credibility by showing users that it’s associated with a legitimate website.

The difference between the display URL and the landing page URL

Please remember that the landing page URL and the URL may be different. The landing page URL is the real web address to which users will be taken once they click on the ad. The display URL is a shortened version of the landing page URL that is visible in the ad.

An advertiser can use a different display URL than the landing page URL on Google ads. For instance, if the landing page URL is “,” the URL could be “” The display URL should include the root domain of the website.

Best Practices for Choosing a Display URL

Here are some best practices for choosing an effective display URL:

Use a relevant URL to the ad: Choose a display URL closely related to the ad text and the landing page content.

Use the root domain: Including the root domain in the display URL can help increase the ad’s perceived credibility.

Keep it short and simple: Use a display URL that is easy to read and remember and that is no longer than necessary.

Use keywords: Including relevant keywords in the display URL can help to improve the ad’s relevance to the user’s search query.

Ad Extensions

Ad extensions are additional information that can be added to a Google search ad to give more context about the business and its offerings. They are displayed alongside the ad text and can help improve the ad’s visibility by taking up more space on SERPs. 

Types of ads extensions

Sitelink Extensions: Advertisers can add links to various website pages with site link extensions. This provides more information about the business and its products and gives users more options to explore the website.

Callout Extensions: Include brief descriptions of their business’s unique features or benefits in their ads using callout extensions. This makes the ads more appealing and tailored to the user’s search query.

Structured Snippet Extensions: Use structured snippet extensions to emphasise particular business features, such as their products or services. This provides additional information about the business and its offerings, making the ad more pertinent to the user’s search query.

Call Extensions: Including a phone number in an ad through call extensions enables users to call the business directly. This is particularly beneficial for businesses that depend on phone calls for generating leads or sales.

Location Extensions: Including a map and address in an ad through location extensions can benefit businesses with physical locations. This feature improves the ad’s visibility for users looking for businesses in a specific geographic area.

Importance of ad extensions in improving ad visibility

Ad extensions play a crucial role in enhancing ad visibility in several ways:

  1. They can occupy more space on the search results page, making the ad more noticeable to users.
  2. Ad extensions offer different contexts and information about the business and its products, making the ad more relevant and engaging to the user’s search query.
  3. Some ad extensions, like call and location extensions, can boost lead generation and sales for the business by providing users with a simple way to contact or visit the business.

Are you looking to get started with search ads on Google Ads?

Choose the right keywords to meet relevant searches.​

Choose the right keywords to meet relevant searches.

Keywords are the phrases or terms that trigger your ads to appear when entered on Google by interested buyers. Choosing keywords related to your business and offerings is important to ensure your ads reach the right audience. 

Google Search Ads offers different keyword match types, including broad match, phrase match, and exact match. While broad-match keywords can broaden your audience, it can also lead to displaying your ads for irrelevant queries, so use it with caution.

Outsmart your competition with strategic bidding on Google Ads

When it comes to running a successful Google Search Ad Campaign, bidding is a critical component in determining the right strategy to achieve your objectives, whether it be increasing conversions or maximising ROI.

While some Ad Agencies may only rely on Smart Bidding, our customised approach provides greater control over your campaigns. Our approach takes into account various factors, such as device, location, time of day, and user intent to help you select the most effective bid for each search. 

By combining our granular bidding approach with the appropriate keywords, you can stay ahead of your competition and achieve greater success with your campaigns.

Outsmart Your Competition with Strategic Bidding on Google Ads
Improve your ad's effectiveness with responsive search ads.

Improve your ad's effectiveness with responsive search ads.

This ad format harnesses Google’s AI technology to deliver your message to the right audience. 

With this ad format, you can create multiple headlines and descriptions, and Google’s system will mix and match them to create different ad combinations. This allows you to test different messaging and find the most effective one for each search query. 

Additionally, you can include site links and images to make your ad more appealing and relevant to the searcher. Using Google’s AI can help you efficiently reach your target audience, leading to better results for your business.

Just in case you missed why you're going to like us...

We are Google Premier Partners

We’re excited to be a part of the top 3% of agencies recognised as Google Premier Partners!

This prestigious title is awarded to agencies that have demonstrated exceptional performance in helping clients achieve growth and success.

When you work with a Google Premier Partner agency like us, you can expect expert guidance, advanced knowledge and resources, and direct support from Google. Trust us to help you take your business to the next level and achieve your goals.


Nelson O'Neill: Trusted Australian-owned and managed Google Ads Search Agency in Melbourne

Our agency specialises in Google Ads and provides various digital marketing services to clients across Australia.
As a Google Premier Partner, our clients can trust our expertise and proven track record of success. We take a holistic approach to digital marketing and work closely with clients to achieve their goals. Our services are driven by passion and a desire to positively impact businesses.

Partner with Nelson O’Neill for High-Performance Google Ads Search Advertising

We pride ourselves on our ROI-driven approach and constant efforts to improve our strategies to ensure maximum performance for your search campaigns. As a Google Premier Partner, we have the seal of approval from Google for our top-notch results.

With Nelson O’Neill, you’ll receive a free customised Google Ads Search strategy and 24/7 access to transparent data and reports. We don’t lock you into any long-term contracts; our team works directly with you to understand your business goals and objectives.

Choose Nelson O’Neill as your Google Search Advertising partner and experience unparalleled growth and success for your business. Contact us today to get started!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Google Search  Advertising is an online advertising that appears at the top or bottom of Google search results pages. It comprises a brief text ad triggered by specific keywords related to a user’s search query.

Google Search  Advertising allow advertisers to bid on terms relevant to their product or service offerings. When someone is searching for those terms in the Google search box, the search engine uses a complex algorithm to identify which ads to display. The ads are ranked based on several factors, including the advertiser’s bid, the ad’s quality and relevance, and users’ search intent.

Google Search  Advertising are good for businesses that want to increase their visibility in search results and drive more traffic to their website. They can be particularly effective for businesses in highly competitive industries and those with a limited budget for advertising.

You can turn off Google Search  Advertising by pausing or deleting your Google ad search campaign. However, it’s essential to note that turning off your ads will also stop any website traffic and leads that they generate.

Whether or not Google Ads Search Advertising campaign is worth it depends on various factors, including the competitiveness of your industry, the quality of your ads, and your budget. Generally speaking, if you have a well-designed ad campaign targeting the right keyword and audience, search ads can be highly effective in driving website traffic and generating leads.

A Google Search  Advertising Specialist is a professional who is trained to manage and optimise Google search campaigns. Their job typically involves conducting keyword research, writing ad copy, setting bid strategies, and analysing campaign performance data to make adjustments and improve results.

Partner with a Google Ads Search Advertising Agency for Personalised Guidance on your First Campaign

Receive one-on-one guidance and personalised recommendations from experts

If you team up with a Google Ads Expert Agency, you’ll get personalised assistance from experienced professionals. They will collaborate with you to understand your business objectives, target, and advertising budget. With this information, they can offer individualised advice and suggestions to help you attain the best possible outcomes for your advertising campaign.

Get help with your budget and media plan to your specific business needs

Starting a Google search campaign requires a clear budget and media plan that caters to the unique needs of your business. Seeking guidance from an expert agency can help you allocate your resources in a way that yields the highest return on investment (ROI). With a customised budget and media plan, you can confidently trust that your advertising efforts are optimised and deliver the best possible outcomes.

Get assistance in selecting the right keyword to target your desired audience

Selecting the right search term is crucial for a successful Google search campaign. To help you reach the right audience, a professional agency will perform extensive research and analysis to determine which keywords are most related to your business and potential customers’ search queries. By choosing the right keywords, you can be confident that your ads will immediately appear to the appropriate audience.

Ensure your search campaign is successful with the knowledge and expertise of a Google Ads expert agency

A substantial understanding of the platform and the various strategies for achieving optimal results with Google search campaigns is crucial. Working with a Google Ads expert agency can give you access to experienced professionals who can help you achieve successful advertising campaigns. With the help of experts, you can be confident that your campaign is set up for success from the beginning and that your business is achieving the best possible results.

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